Monday, October 15, 2007

23 Things - Assignment #4 Part 2

I forgot to mention my name is now "Judicious" Flora Johnson. Coincidently, Flora is my mother's first name. Oddly enough, she is also a Libra. Hmmm. Wasn't this supposed to be about me?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I could have spent hours looking at photographs; the breathtaking ones, the cute ones, the odd ones and those you'd wonder why were even there. Eventually I chose 2. Once I got started it was hard to stop.

Friday, October 5, 2007

23 Things - Assignment #3

This assignment was tough for me. Aside from misunderstanding one of the instructions (So that's why it didn't work!), many of the sites I visited are either under construction or do not offer RSS feeds. It took some time but I think I found a few good ones.

After signing up for the Library journal I searched for sites to satisfy my photography fix, especially travel shots. I chose Jordo Media who have about 2,000 of them in their photo gallery, most of which I will never have time to view. I will check them out at length later but I must say that I don't think they will have as many photos as my favourite Google Images, which is where I get my for wallpaper for my laptop.

For my history passion I signed up with BBC History Magazine but only their future special events are available on RSS so if I ever visit Britain again maybe I will go when they have an exhibition of something historical. Then I chose Random House new releases for upcoming books in different areas of history. This one looks good. Lastly, as I am studying history in university and focusing my studies on World War II and the Holocaust, I was lucky to find the RSS feed for "Holocaust & Genocide Studies" one of many Oxford Journals put out by the Oxford University Press website. This one will be a winner for sure.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

23 Things - Assignment #2

Idyllic settings, pictures of paradise, beautiful visions. To me.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

23 Things Assignment #1

The question must be asked. Can a library employee obsessed with history still look forward and be intrigued by the future? The answer is yes; one of the many reasons she works there. What is unknown or unconquered can certainly elicit interest, though not as powerful an interest as that which consumes her when looking backward. Nonetheless, the past time traveller is gladly looking forward to 10 weeks of 23 Things. It sounds exciting.